Plants For Your Lawn That Can Keep Mosquitos Away

Plants For Your Lawn That Can Keep Mosquitos Away

The warmer months approach are a great time to enjoy your property, but sometimes insects — particularly mosquitoes — show up and ruin the fun. And in Indiana, we definitely are known to have some big, mean mosquitoes.  While it may not be your first thought on...
Tips for Successfully Planting Grass Seed

Tips for Successfully Planting Grass Seed

It’s the worst. You step outside to enjoy the beauty of your backyard, and bam — a grassless, bald patch in the middle of your lawn. This can be caused by a whole host of potential culprits, and figuring out how to regrow grass in that bald spot may involve doing some...
Are There Benefits of Mowing Regularly

Are There Benefits of Mowing Regularly

The benefits of scheduled lawn maintenance Your car needs scheduled maintenance, your home needs scheduled maintenance, even your body needs regular check-ups and screenings, so it should come as no surprise that your lawn also needs scheduled maintenance.  There...
What kinds of trees retain their leaves in winter?

What kinds of trees retain their leaves in winter?

Which trees in Indiana keep their leaves in the winter? There are a number of reasons homeowners may be curious to know the answer to this question. Maybe they are curious because they want to know if a tree without leaves should have leaves, and is therefore sick or...
Should You Be Mulching Around Evergreen Trees?

Should You Be Mulching Around Evergreen Trees?

Evergreens bring so much life to a property in the winter. When everything else looks dormant and dead, they provide the green that reminds us nature will bloom again soon. This is why, even before “Christmas trees,” people have traditionally brought evergreen trees...