The benefits of scheduled lawn maintenance

Your car needs scheduled maintenance, your home needs scheduled maintenance, even your body needs regular check-ups and screenings, so it should come as no surprise that your lawn also needs scheduled maintenance. 

There are so many different tasks necessary to keeping your lawn looking great, and most of them are on very different time tables. These time tables even change depending on the time of year.

Let’s look at a couple of these lawn maintenance tasks, so you can see exactly why it’s important to perform each of them on a schedule specific to that task. 

Lawn mowing

How often you mow your lawn depends on what time of the year it is, the type of grass you have and how closely you mow. During the winter, you can go longer between mowings, but in the spring growing season, you’ll likely need to mow every week. If you cut the grass too short, you’ll even need to mow more often, because the grass will put a lot of energy into trying to get more blade length. This will also make your lawn less healthy, so consider cutting your grass a little longer. 

Having a set schedule for when your grass is mowed can also prevent things from growing out of control. It’s very common for people to get busy, and then one day they look out their window at embarrassingly high grass. When it’s on the calendar though, this is harder to ignore.

Lawn treatments

The term “lawn treatments” covers a lot of different tasks, each of which should be done at a specific season and frequency. Anthony, the owner of our company, took classes at Purdue University on lawn treatments, so he is among the best trained in the area and keeps up with the latest industry trends and research.

Fertilizing should be done in the spring, when the lawn is just beginning to wake up from the winter, and then maybe a couple more times during the growing season. This will all depend on the type of lawn you have, but fertilizer is key to giving your grass the nutrients it needs. 

Pesticides are another important part of treating a lawn because insect infestations are not uncommon. Grubs, ants, termites and other insects can destroy a lot of progress, and you may  need to act fast to stop them. We have our 3B certification, allowing us to purchase and apply these chemicals and ensuring we have the training to do it safely and effectively.


Depending on the type of soil you have, it could be necessary to aerate your lawn once a year. Clay soils, and other heavier soils, will become compacted by foot traffic and your grass may lose access to air and water, which will not be able to penetrate. Looser soils do not need this as often, however. We recommend a plug aerator over spike and slice aerators. Plug aerators take a narrow plug out of the soil, which can then be dropped on the surface. The soil around the hole then has the opportunity to loosen as it moves into that empty space. Spike aerators just poke into the soil, which creates a hole, but because you don’t remove any dirt, when the soil moves back into that space, the overall ground isn’t any less compact. 

Call Anthony’s to set up your own lawn maintenance schedule

These tasks above are just for the lawn, but there are also services for your garden, your trees and other elements of your outdoor property. Putting all these together into a comprehensive plan with a schedule is the best way to make having a beautiful lawn easy. 

At Anthony’s we have the training, equipment and experience to accomplish this for your property. Call us at (812) 345-5694 and we can help you get your lawn maintenance on a schedule today.