The changing from winter to spring can be glorious here in Southern Indiana. Chirping birds, blossoming flowers, and warm sunny days only temporarily darkened by the occasional rain storm….except we all know the birds will eat your grass seed, the flowers are actually weeds like daffodils, and the rain is all but occasional.

As a homeowner you would much rather enjoy the warming weather and the beauty of your lawn in peace, without having to spend your rare time off cleaning and maintaining your lawn. That’s why having a professional lawn and landscape company like Anthony’s is so critical. We can help you transform a grown over, debris-laden yard into a truly beautiful space for your family to enjoy this season.

Paying for a professional spring cleanup has multiple benefits:

1. Debris like sticks, pine cones, pine needles, leaves, and clippings will all be removed to allow your grass full access to light and water.

2. That debris can be dangerous for children and others, allowing the safe use of your yard.

3. The yard will look infinitely better once debris is removed


If you have flower beds or other spaces, Anthony’s Lawn Care & Landscaping can help you not only clean out those beds and areas, we can also help you plant and mulch to make them look spectacular. We have access to a variety of mulch types at great prices, so make sure to ask about mulching when you get a quote. We can also help you select and source flowers, bushes, trees and other plants to place in beds or around your lawn.

As a member of the International Society of Aboriculture, Anthony’s can also help with tree removal needs as we work to cleanup your lawn for the spring. Winter can be rough on trees and limbs, and removing dangerous and ugly broken limbs is vital to having a beautiful and safe lawn.

If you are in and around Bloomington, IN and need a spring lawn cleanup, mulching, landscaping or even tree removal, contact us today by filling out our form or calling (812) 345-5694. We provide free estimates and are highly rated.